Prof. Dr. Detlev Ristau

30167 Hannover

Main research interests
- Optical Thin Film Technology
- Precision Metrology: Optics Characterisation
- Properties of Optical Materials
- Ion Deposition Processes
- Laser Damage in Optical Materials
- Optical Fibres
Curriculum Vitae
Academic appointments
Member of the Scientific Directorate at the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.2016
Leader research group "Laser Active Fibres" at the Hannover Institute of Technology2010
Professor for Applied Physics at the Leibniz University, Hannover1992 -2018
Director of the Department of Thin Film Technology at the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V.1988
Leader of the research group "Optical Thin Films" of the Institute for Quantum Optics, University of Hannover1984
Research assistant in the group "Optical Thin Films" of the Institute of Applied Physics at the University of Hannover, PH.D. under direction of Prof. Herbert Welling1983
Scholarship at the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Rice University, Houston, construction of a tuneable colour centre laser1982
Research assistant in the group "Optical Thin Films" of the Institute of Applied Physics at the University of Hannover -
State doctorate for Applied Physics, topic of the thesis: "Optical high power coating for photonics", Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the Leibniz University, Hannover1988
PH.D. degree from the Universtiy of Hannover, topic of the thesis: "Damage thresholds of dielectric coating systems for high power Nd:lasers"1981
Diploma in physics, topic of the thesis: "Sensitive measurement of the back scattering coefficient of laser gyro mirrors", University of Hannover -
Other professional activities
Standardisation International
- Convener of ISO TC 172/SC 9/WG 1 ("Terminology and test methods for electro-optical systems"), since 2015
Standardisation National
- Convener of the DIN Arbeitsausschuss NA 027-01-AA18 ("Laser und elektro-optische Systeme"), since 2015
- Project leader and member of the DIN Arbeitsausschuss NA 027-01-AAO3 ("Dünne Schichten für die Optik"), since 2001
- Co-Chair of annual Laser Damage Symposium, since 2005
- Chair of SPIE triannual Conference of "Advances in Thin Films" since 2011
- Organiser of DPG-Symposia "Plasma und Optische Technologien", since 2007, 10 Symposia
- Deputy Head DGP-Fachverband "Kurzzeit- und angewandte Laserphysik", since 2008
- OSA "Optical Interference Coatings": program chair 2013, general chair 2016, member of the Advisory Board
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Conference on "Frontiers of Optical Coatings"
- Author/co-author of >450 papers and book articles
- Associate Editor "Optics Express", 2010-2012
- Feature Editor Applied Optics Vol. 50, No. 9, 2011; Vol. 53, No. 4, 2014; Vol. 57, No. 4, 2017; Vol. 59, No. 7, 2020
Professional societies
- Fellow in the International Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)
- Member of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)
- Member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte Optik (DGaO)
- Member of the Optical Society of America (OSA)
- Member of the Society for Optics and Photonics (SPIE)
- Principal Investigator, Cluster of Excellence QUEST, Quantum Engineering and Space Time Research, 2007 - 2018
- Principal Investigator, Cluster of Excellence PhoenixD Photonics, Optics, and Engineering – Innovation Across Disciplines, since 2019
- ISO Excellence Award 2019
Selected publications
Selection of more than 450
- M. Mero, J. Liu, W. Rudolph, D. Ristau, K. Starke, Scaling laws of femtosecond laser pulse induced breakdown in oxide films, Physical Review B 71 (11), 115109, 2005
- J. Jasapara, A. V. V. Nampoothiri, W. Rudolph, D. Ristau, K. Starke, Femtosecond laser pulse induced breakdown in dielectric thin films, Physical Review B 63 (4), 045117, 2001
- T. Clausnitzer, J. Limpert, K. Zöllner, H. Zellmer, H. J. Fuchs, E. B. Kley, A. Tünnermann, M. Jupé, D. Ristau, Highly efficient transmission gratings in fused silica for chirped-pulse amplification systems, Applied Optics 42 (34), 6934-6938, 2003
- M. Mero, B. R. Clapp, J. C. Jasapara, W. G. Rudolph, D. Ristau, K. Starke, J. Krüger, S. Martin, W. Kautek, On the damage behavior of dielectric films when illuminated with multiple femtosecond laser pulses, Optical Engineering 44 (5), 051107, 2005
- E. Welsch, D. Ristau, Photothermal measurements on optical thin films, Applied Optics 34 (31), 7239-7253, 1995
- U. Willamowski, D. Ristau, E. Welsch, Measuring the absolute absorptance of optical laser components, Applied Optics 37 (36), 8362-8370, 1998
- D. Ristau (Ed.), Laser-induced damage in optical materials, CRC Press, 2014
- D. Ristau, S. Günster, S. Bosch, A. Duparre, E. Masetti, J. Ferré-Borrull, G. Kiriakidis, F. Peiró, E. Quesnel, A. Tikhonravov, Ultraviolet optical and microstructural properties of MgF2 and LaF3 coatings deposited by ion-beam sputtering and boat and electron-beam evaporation, Applied Optics 41 (16), 3196-3204, 2002
- B. Mangote, L. Gallais, M. Commandré, M. Mende, L. Jensen, H. Ehlers, M. Jupé, D. Ristau, A. Melninkaitis, J. Mirauskas, V. Sirutkaitis, S. Kičas, T. Tolenis, R. Drazdys, Femtosecond laser damage resistance of oxide and mixture oxide optical coatings, Optics Letters 37 (9), 1478-1480, 2012
- M. Jupé, L. Jensen, A. Melninkaitis, V. Sirutkaitis, D. Ristau, Calculations and experimental demonstration of multi-photon absorption governing fs laser-induced damage in titania, Optics Express 17 (15), 12269-12278, 2009
- Jupé, M., Ristau, D.: Deutsches Patent, Nr. 102017129069, "Optisches Element mit alternierenden Brechungsindexänderungen und dessen Verwendung", (13.09.2018), European Patent in preparation
- Morgner, U., Ristau, D.: Deutsches Patent, Nr. 102012022343, "Verfahren zum Überwachen eines Schichtwachstums und Vorrichtung zum Beschichten", (19.09.2019)
- Nonlinear Optics
- Optical Layers
- Fibre Technology
- Physics for Engineers
- Optics, Atoms, Molecules and Quantum Phenomena (Physic III)
- Seminar: Practice and Theory of Optical Layers
- Seminar: Optical Specialty Fibres: Fabrication, Function Principles and Applications
- Laboratory Course: Optical Thin Film Technology for Engineers