Publikationen von Klaus Zipfel


  • M. Schilling, É. Wodey, L. Timmen, D. Tell, K. H. Zipfel, D. Schlippert, C. Schubert, E. M. Rasel, and J. Müller (2020): Vertical Gravity Profile in a 10 m Atom InterferometerJ. Geod. 94, 122 (2020)
    DOI: 10.1007/s00190-020-01451-y
    arXiv: 2003.04875
  • A. P. Kulosa, D. Fim, K. H. Zipfel, S. Rühmann, S. Sauer, N. Jha, K. Gibble, W. Ertmer, E. M. Rasel, M. S. Safronova, U. I. Safronova, and S. G. Porsev (2015): Towards a Mg Lattice Clock: Observation of the 1S0-3P0 Transition and Determination of the Magic WavelengthPhys. Rev. Lett. 115, 240801 (2015) Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.240801
  • M. Riedmann, H. Kelkar, T. Wübbena, A. Pape, A. Kulosa, K. Zipfel, D. Fim, S. Rühmann, J. Friebe, W. Ertmer, and E. Rasel (2012): Beating the density limit by continuously loading a dipole trap from millikelvin-hot magnesium atomsPhys. Rev. A 86, 043416 (2012) Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.043416


  • A. Lezeik, D. Tell, K. Zipfel, V. Gupta, É. Wodey, E. Rasel, C. Schubert, D. Schlippert (2022): Understanding the gravitational and magnetic environment of a very long baseline atom interferometer, Presented at the Ninth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, Bloomington, Indiana, May 17-26, 2022
    arXiv: 2209.08886
  • D. Schlippert, C. Meiners, R.J. Rengelink, C. Schubert, D. Tell, E. Wodey, K.H. Zipfel, W. Ertmer, and E.M. Rasel (2020): Matter Wave Interferometry for Inertial Sensing and Tests of Fundamental Physics, Presented at the Eighth Meeting on CPT and Lorentz Symmetry, Bloomington, Indiana, May 12-16, 2019
    DOI: 10.1142/11655
    arXiv: 1909.08524