List of Invited Speakers
Confirmed invited speakers include:
Wes Campbell (USA)
Optical frequency combs for moving beyond resolved sidebands in trapped ion quantum information processing
David DeMille (USA)
Laser Cooling of a Diatomic Molecule
Michael Drewsen (Denmark)
Rotational Laser Cooling of Vibrationally and translationally Cold Molecular Ions
Fabrice Gerbier (France)
Artificial gauge fields for neutral atoms
Nathan Goldman (Belgium)
Synthetic Gauge Fields and Topological Phases with Neutral Atoms
Theodor W. Hänsch (Germany)
Laser Spectroscopy of Hydrogen
Randy Hulet (USA)
Pairing in Polarized Fermi Gases
Hidetoshi Katori (Japan)
Synchronous Frequency Comparison of Optical Lattice Clocks to approach the Quantum Limit
Tobias J. Kippenberg (Switzerland)
Cavity Optomechanics: Cooling of a Micromechanical Oscillator into the Quantum Regime
Michael Köhl (UK)
A hybrid system of ultracold atoms and ions
Stefan Kuhr (Germany/UK)
Single-site-resolved detection and manipulation of atoms in an optical lattice
Anne L'Huillier (Sweden)
Attosecond Pulse Trains: Generation and Application
Nathan Lundblad (USA)
Optical lattice-based addressing and control of long-lived neutral-atom qubits
Katsumi Midorikawa (Japan)
Attosecond Nonlinear Spectroscopy by High-Order Harmonics
Morgan Mitchell (Spain)
Quantum metrology with cold atomic ensembles
Giovanni Modugno (Italy)
Exploring the physics of disorder with a tunable Bose-Einstein condensate
Tracy Northup (Austria)
Cavity QED with Single Trapped Ions
Silke Ospelkaus (Germany)
Ultracold polar molecules - ultracold chemistry and dipolar collisions
Tilman Pfau (Germany)
Coherent Rydberg excitation in microscopic thermal vapor cells
Nathalie Picqué (Germany)
Molecular spectroscopy with laser frequency combs
Arno Rauschenbeutel (Austria)
Trapping and Interfacing Cold Neutral Atoms Using Optical Nanofibers
Gerhard Rempe (Germany)
Quantum Nonlinear Optics with Single Particles of Light and Matter
Serge Reynaud (France)
The Casimir Effect: Quantum Optics in Vacuum
Monika Ritsch-Marte (Austria)
How spatial light modulators can advance microscopy and micro-spectroscope
Ralf Röhlsberger (Germany)
Superradiance, the Collective Lamb Shift and EIT in the X‐ray Regime
Till Rosenband (USA)
Coherent and incoherent comparisons of Al+ quantum-logic clocks
Peter Rosenbusch (France)
Spin self-rephasing and very long coherence times
Matthew Sellars (Australia)
Demonstration of an efficient quantum memory for light
Yoshiro Takahashi (Japan)
Realization of an enlarged spin Symmetry of fermions in an atomic gas
Andrew White (Australia)
Simulating Quantum Systems in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics
E Wu (China)
Photon-number resovling detection at infrared wavelengths
Peter Zoller (Austria)
Open System Quantum Simulations with Cold Atoms and Ions