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Paper "Formation of ultracold weakly bound dimers of bosonic 23Na39K" published!

Paper "Formation of ultracold weakly bound dimers of bosonic 23Na39K" published!

In this paper we show the formation of ultracold bosonic 23Na39K Feshbach molecules. We start with an ultracold mixture of 23Na and 39K atoms and observe a new Feshbach resonance by magnetic field atom loss spectroscopy and molecular binding energy measurements. Close to this resonance, we transfer atoms to the molecular state by applying rf pulses and create up to 6000 trapped molecules. We also analyze the creation process with respect to the atom number ratio and the creation pulse duration.



Phys. Rev. A 101 (2020), 042704 - Published 20 April 2020


DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.101.042704